OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD booth at SCALE 9x

Contributed by weerd on from the zooming-in dept.

Just like last year, Seth Fulton writes in about the SCALE 9x event in Los Angeles this weekend:

I'm running the OpenBSD booth this weekend at the So Cal Linux Expo in LA. We'll be peddling OpenBSD merch, talking turkey with the local yokels, and swilling cold beverages as necessary from a cooler under the table.

The more people we have to cover the booth, the more time we'll have to attend the plentiful presentations. If you don't have any plans for this weekend and would like to volunteer some of your time in exchange for a free full conference pass to Scale 9x, please get in contact with me.

To contact Seth, give him a call at +1 619 630 7384 or seth.fulton on skype. Alternatively, you can send him an e-mail at seth (dot) fulton (at) gmail (dot) com.

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