OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD keepin' it real at SCALE 8x

Contributed by weerd on from the life-scale dept.

Seth Fulton writes in about the SCALE 8x conference in Los Angeles, that is happening at this moment:

OpenBSD will be represented again this year at SCALE 8x in Los Angeles.

Stop the exhibitor booth and say hi if you're attending, buy some merch, or perhaps ogle our fully clothed booth babe. (or celebrate the fact that we at least have one).

If you live near LA and covet a last minute opportunity to attend the conference, I've got some extra passes to dole out if you'd like to help staff the booth for at least 4 hours on Saturday or Sunday.

For more information contact Seth at 619-630-7384

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Noryungi (Noryungi) on

    This can only mean one thing: pictures!!
    OpenBSD geeks all over the world want to know what she looks like, and if she'd like to be the next t-shirt mascot... For OpenBSD 4.7, for instance.
    (yes, this is said in a very cheeky manner of course...)

  2. By Venture37 (venture37) on

    lol @ "perhaps ogle our fully clothed booth babe"
    Stop *by* the exhibitor


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