OpenBSD Journal

6.5-beta has been tagged

Contributed by Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd on from the time flies dept.

It's that time of year again; Theo (deraadt@) has just tagged 6.5-beta. A good reminder for us all run an extra test install and see if your favorite port still works as you expect.

CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2019/02/26 15:24:41

Modified files:
        etc/root       : root.mail
        share/mk       :
        sys/conf       :
        sys/sys        : ktrace.h param.h
        usr.bin/signify: signify.1
        sys/arch/macppc/stand/tbxidata: bsd.tbxi

Log message:
crank to 6.5-beta

(Comments are closed)

  1. By thomasw (thomasw_) on

    Ran the 03/01 snapshot of arm64 on my tiny nanopi neo2 with 1gb of ram and it ran nearly perfect. Watchdog on dwxe0. All else was worked as expected... Excited for 6.5!

  2. By George Nielsen (hitest) on

    Great news! OpenBSD 6.4 is running like a champ on my Dell Optiplex 990 and my T410 Thinkpad.


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