OpenBSD Journal

The Continued DARPA Funding Story

Contributed by jose on from the broken-contracts dept.

On Thursday of last week, Theo announced to everyone that the grant from DARPA to fund the POSSE project has been canceled. You may recall that this project generated a noticeable amount of positive press. OpenBSD and open source software overall were getting recognition and tangible support. Now, with the cancellation, even more press is being generated from a variety of sources. The media coverage page on the OpenBSD website has been repeatedly updated to mention various stories from all over the world on the subject. Noticeable stories include this widely published AP story and a well written editorial from Ian Darwin .

It's not just the OpenBSD camp that is paying attention. Interest is coming from both inside and outside of the tech community. If you read all of the stories, you can see DARPA's statements change from a cancellation to a grant review. However, OpenBSD is still in a funding lurch for the upcoming hackathon.

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  1. By Anonymous Coward () on

    DARPA can do what they wish to do with their money. And no, you aren't sparing the world from the danger of one half of a cruise missile. Take it or leave it. The vanity of the anti-war crowd overshadows whatever they're supposed to stand for.

  2. By Anonymous Coward () on

    What ever happen to the baby mulching comment? Theo’s duplicity is becoming annoying. NetBSD 1.something here I come.

  3. By Anonymous Coward () on

    Has anyone found the budget for this project listed in the DARPA budget? I would like to see how it is described on the government side. Looking through the ARPA budget on their web site didn't turn up anything, although I didn't look under every rock.

  4. By W () on

    MicroBSD has had DARPA funding since 1983.


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