OpenBSD Journal

BIOS Memory Map for vmd(8) Rewrite in Progress

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the map the map dept.

A rewritten version of vmd(8)'s BIOS memory map handling could soon be appearing in -current.

In a recent post to tech@ and supplemented by an accompanying post to ports@ since the changes touch on SeaBIOS, Dave Voutila (dv@) describes the changes and the motiviation for changing them, ie

In short, this nukes some old hacks we've been carrying to communicate
things like >4GB of memory to SeaBIOS via CMOS. It assumes vmd(8)
properly builds and conveys a bios e820 memory map via the fw_cfg api.

Follow the links to the messages for the full story, test the patches if you feel up to it. While the ETA of the upcoming commit is not yet certain, expect to see this change go in soon.

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