OpenBSD Journal

Is this poll updated too infrequently?

Contributed by mk/reverse on from the mainstream-is-good dept.

Yes 38.1% (180 votes)

No 10.1% (48 votes)

Perhaps 15.2% (72 votes)

Polls suck 14.0% (66 votes)

I think you should do one about [X] 4.9% (23 votes)

Too early to take a stand 8.5% (40 votes)

No old enough to vote 9.3% (44 votes)

Total votes: 473

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    i think the posts are a bit too unfrequent. I remember the days where there would be new posts almost every day.

    1. By Michael Knudsen ( on

      Please resubmit. I'm sorry we didn't spot your stories the first time.

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        hey, im sorry if i was rude, but I didnt mean to be sarcastic when i said i missed the days. besides, the reason I never post stories is because Im a newbie, and I'd like to see new stories about openbsd so I can know more about them.

  2. By Michael Knudsen ( on

    We are well aware that polls have not been updated as regularly as they should be. I have personally tried to do a weekly or biweekly update but ran out of ideas and time.

    If you have any ideas for polls, please submit them even if you only have a vague idea of the content. If it sounds interesting, we'll probably be able to cook something useful together. We'll at least try.

    When you submit something, be it polls or story suggestions, please supply a valid email address so we can give you feedback as to why we decided to run the idea or not. We well not disclose your email address if you don't want us to, and we will always try to hide it from harvesters. Several stories have been rejected because we couldn't contact the original authors for clarification of content and sources.

    The primary source of content on Undeadly comes from our readers. When you don't see much new stuff here, it's probably because we're not receiving anything new.

    I've noticed something which might seem odd at first but might not really be at all:

    The faster the story release rate, the more submissions we get.

    I suppose the more regular changes simply cause people to visit more often. Given a constant probability of people to hit ``add story'', this leads to more submissions. There might be additional causes.

    No matter the cause, everybody should be able to see that this is the wrong way for things to be, so let's try to make a deal, just between me and you: Next time you think we're behind with updates, you do the following things:

    o Take a look at the mailing list archives
    o Search Google News and other relevant news sites
    o Try thinking of an interesting OpenBSD-related problems you've had (and possibly solved) in the past week

    If neither of those things comes up with anything interesting, you are free to suppose that there simply is nothing to tell about.

  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    obviously the problem is the furniture and not the girls! a good start would be: hey you lazy bums you submit poll ideas and we will make a poll every week. another approach might be to reward best lazy bum for the best poll idea that won the week. thn there is always a pool of unused polls that can be used for the next weeks or for low weeks or for war weeks and blackout weeks and drunk blackout weeks (;

  4. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    flags for ssh (client and/or sshd) (I like -C)
    favorite email hash/digest
    best certificate authority
    linux compatibility layer a worthwhile thing (like FreeBSD has)?
    whether you run X on your openbsd box or not
    when was the last time you built apache/sendmail/whatever?
    definitive book on particular topic, then list a bunch of books
    how many nics in your openbsd box
    favorite security magazine
    whether java on openbsd stands a chance or is worth the effort
    prefer apache 1.3 versus 2.0
    That's just a few ideas off the top of my head while I drink my first cup of coffee.

    1. By Juan Ramon Venegas Moreno ( on

      Country where users live?

      1. By Michael Knudsen ( on

        Hehe, well, unless you submit a suggestion with all country names in it, I think we'll go for `continent' or something instead.

        Thanks for the suggestions but keep them coming. Yes, also you.

        1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

          Country where we wished we lived?

  5. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    favourite open* project:

    favourite architecture

    where shall ssh sources be:

    best risc:

    dumbest question on misc@, most excelent hax0r, best cartoon,
    best comic, favourite beer-based mixed drink, best emperror,
    worst emperror, favourite vodka, the best of beer-vodka-pot,
    worst subway system, best holiday, best relative, worst day...

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      man you just go through the src tree and find a poll for every day!

    2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      you forgot ``ROMP'' from the ``best risc'' !

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        jaja ma badabada

        1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

          there is definately a 'cutest developer' poll missing! \-:

          1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

            oh i all forgot about that!
            maybe also wether one has a wife or a gf too

          2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

            oh i all forgot about that! but then we all know who would win!
            maybe also wether one has a wife or a gf too

            1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

              don't be so sure on the winner! of course you also forgot to add one could ask if one has a bf or husband

              1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

                or rather who has the cutest bf or a husband.


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