OpenBSD Journal

Off for the holidays

Contributed by jose on from the greetings dept.

Things will be slow for the next few days here, as Jim and I take time to say hi to family and enjoy a few day's rest.

Thank you for a wonderful year on this site. Keep the stories coming, keep working on OpenBSD and related projects, and all the best.

Happy holidays, everyone. See you in a few days.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward () on

    God bless all of us ... Except Gates perhaps, and those bastards who overturned our snowman this morning.

    1. By Shane () on

      and those bastards who overturned our snowman this morning.

      ; ) At least you could make a snowman! I'm having a typical 30+ degrees C Sydney Christmas.

  2. By butthead () on

    Merry Christmans Jose and Jim!

  3. By Lucas () on

    Merry Christmas for you, guys. And for everyone. Unfortunatelly I'm on duty this evening and night (but fortunatelly I've a lot of OpenBSD-based boxes). :)

    Cheers to everyone!

  4. By Bob Beck () on


  5. By Anonymous Coward () on


  6. By gregf () on

    happy holidays everyone


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