Contributed by sean on from the failing with class dept.
Import hostated, the host status daemon. This daemon will monitor remote hosts and dynamically alter pf(4) tables and redirection rules for active server load balancing. The daemon has been written by Pierre-Yves Ritschard (pyr at and was formerly known as "slbd". The daemon is fully functional but it still needs some work and cleanup so we don't link it to the build yet. Some TODOs are a partial rewrite of the check_* routines (use libevent whenever we can), improvement of the manpages, and general knf and cleanup. Now that the afore-mentioned partial rewrite is done, testing will be needed in order to get it linked to the build in time for 4.1.A more detailed introduction to this facinating new tool is given by Pierre-Yves at this site:
NOTE: If you want a head start on this you'll have to compile it yourself (src/usr.sbin/hostated) since it is not linked into the default build on current.
(Comments are closed)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Great work!
By arthurb (arthurb) on
Fantastic work!
By Chris Snell (chrissnell) on
Can PF be configured to select a host from the pool based on the number of active connections to that host (leastconns)?
I'm looking forward to SMTP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP and FTP checks.
Thanks again, guys!
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By OpenBSD becoming the failover platform of choice ( on
Given trunk, pfsync, carp, sasync, ifstated and now hoststated, OpenBSD can pretend to be one of the best platform for critical services.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Krunch ( on
By Pierre-Yves Ritschard (pyr) on
as of today you can specify ``sticky-address'' in a service section which accomplishes that.
By Anonymous Coward (dspiteri) on
By Lars Hansson ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
exactly, but in the meantime you can alter, say, <dns-servers> table using your custom shell script which checks availability of dns services (via amap, nmap, nc, etc.) and issues pfctl for adding and deleting entries from this table.
not so flexible as hostated, but will help you till implemented in hostated.
By Pierre-Yves Ritschard (pyr) pyr@spootnik.og on
UDP support will be available, there is no reason not too include it, In what scenario would you want to load balance DNS servers though ?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> >
> UDP support will be available, there is no reason not too include it, In what scenario would you want to load balance DNS servers though ?
In my case, I would like to build two DNS groups with one group handling requests for NS1 and the other for handling requests for NS2. With this setup, my users don't have to wait for DNS server timeout (CARP and hostated ensure request always returns), and also addition of new DNS server(s) doesn't require new NS record(s) because everything is obfuscated in two already registered NS IP addresses.
By Pierre-Yves Ritschard (pyr) on
> > >
> >
> > UDP support will be available, there is no reason not too include it, In what scenario would you want to load balance DNS servers though ?
> In my case, I would like to build two DNS groups with one group handling requests for NS1 and the other for handling requests for NS2. With this setup, my users don't have to wait for DNS server timeout (CARP and hostated ensure request always returns), and also addition of new DNS server(s) doesn't require new NS record(s) because everything is obfuscated in two already registered NS IP addresses.
It seems sensible in this case.
There won't be a specific DNS health checker though, ICMP would seem to be the way to go (before user supplied scripts are supported, of course).
By Anonymous Coward ( on
And are there any good estimates that user supplied scripts will be supported on time in upcoming OpenBSD 4.1 ?
By Pierre-Yves Ritschard (pyr) on
> And are there any good estimates that user supplied scripts will be supported on time in upcoming OpenBSD 4.1 ?
yes, I think I'll have them done by then.
By Lars Hansson ( on
> There won't be a specific DNS health checker though, ICMP would seem to be the way to go (before user supplied scripts are supported, of course).
It would actually be better with a DNS health checker since it is possible for the DNS resolver service to be unavailable even though the host itself is up.
By Lars Hansson ( on
> >
> UDP support will be available, there is no reason not too include it, In what scenario would you want to load balance DNS servers though ?
My bad, I didnt mean dns content servers (which are naturally load balanced) but dns resolvers. Being able to load balanace DNS would give me a simple way to load balance a large number of resolvers.