Contributed by Patrick McEvoy on from the Look! That's Puffy on the screen! dept.
The initial list of 21 'low hanging fruit' videos from EuroBSDcon 2024 has been released with more to follow:
The rest (see the conference schedule) will appear soon, pending some necessary post-processing.Here is the EuroBSDcon 2024 playlist.
The OpenBSD highlights include:
Confidential Computing with OpenBSD - Hans Jörg Höxer
Building a SD-WAN appliance suitable for Australian Health Sector NFP/NGO - Jason Tubnor
A Packet's Journey Through the OpenBSD Network Stack - Alexander Bluhm
OpenBSD vs. IPv6 - Florian Obser
Global anycast using OpenBSD on a budget - Rob Keizer
Why rewrite fw_update(8)? - Andrew Hewus Fresh<br>
vmd's multi-process device emulation: 2 releases later - Dave Voutila
Enjoy this bunch, and do come back for the rest soon!
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