OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD Xbox port

Contributed by jj on from the XXX-box dept.

Markus Ritzer, a computer science student at the Technical University of Munich, has created the beginnings of an Xbox port of OpenBSD.
Announced here, his work is yet to reach the point of actually reading the filesystem, but it has gotten past the initial booting of the gaming console. The needed patches can be found here.

For those interrested in the steps involved in a new port, this is a very good description of the kind of work and the various problems that arise when trying to bootstrap a "new" type of hardware even though in this case, the CPU architecture is known and familiar.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Frank DENIS ( on

    Hey, that's a great news, given that a Xbox is pretty good hardware for the price.

    But can such a console run 24 hours a day without any reliability issue?

    1. By cAPTAIN^k ( on

      > Hey, that's a great news, given that a Xbox is pretty good hardware for the price.
      > But can such a console run 24 hours a day without any reliability issue?

      Yes :)

  2. By Mike Swanson ( on

    Will this ever make it back to the real CVS tree and become an official port?

    I don't actually own an Xbox, but then again I don't own any of the support architectures save for one (i386) ;)

  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    If it wasn't for the fact this guy is a CS student I would have been tempted to ask "Whats the point ?"


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