OpenBSD Journal

UKUUG Spring 2006 is OpenBSD-rich

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the go-see-tom-and-reyk dept.

Undeadly readers who might consider going to the UK in mid March could do worse than looking in on the UKUUG Spring Conference.

This year's conference offers a BSD track high in OpenBSD content, with Reyk Floeter on wireless wonderfulness, Tom Cosgrove on exploit mitigation, Constantine Murenin on Hardware temperature monitoring device drivers for OpenBSD and er, me with a refreshed PF for fun and profit tutorial.

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  1. By Fromer ( on

    "This year's conference offers a BSD track high in OpenBSD content, with Reyk Floeter on wireless wonderfulness, Tom Cosgrove on exploit mitigation, and er, me with a refreshed PF for fun and profit tutorial."

    ... and Constantine Murenin on hardware temperature monitoring ?


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